Friday, April 3, 2015

Illinois' Grand Banquet

Someday, I'm going to have to get myself to Illinois' Grand Assembly just to witness in person one of the most unique traditions I've ever seen. 

Photo from Getty Images
Imagine having enjoyed a delectable dinner with everyone else in attendance at Illinois' Grand Banquet, you're relaxing, chatting amiably with friends and table mates but bubbling in the air is a growing anticipation.  Dessert, almost always Baked Alaska, is about to be served.  The lights dim, a spotlight is trained on the door nearest the kitchens, and then, appearing out of the darkness is one of your beloved Rainbow Dads, hoisting a large Rainbow emblem above his head.  Marching along behind to, as one Illinois PGWA describes it, "a rollicking version of 'The Saints Come Marching In'" are a parade of waiters, those Baked Alaskas, sparkling with live firecrackers, also raised high.  Around the banquet room they process while the entire gathering claps and sings along, cheering madly at the end. 

Really, watching a video of this Illinois-only tradition, can't do it justice.  Someday, yes, I'm going to have to get myself to Illinois' Grand Assembly.

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